I Am Proud of You

I am proud of you.

I am overwhelmed with gladness

because you are still here,

breathing and living and moving.

I admire what courage looks like

in your life,

in your now.

I am proud of you

for all the challenges

you have already overcome,

some of which

I may not ever know or understand.

I can only imagine

what more you will have to endure.

I can only affirm that your character

is being refined and crafted

through every trial.

You are God’s masterpiece.

I am proud of you

even when you have bad days

that remind you of struggles

you could have sworn were no more.

I am proud of you

for your honest tears,

which erupted

because they could no longer

stay inside.

Bad days don’t invalidate your progress.

They are days,

and they will pass.

On those days,

I am here to remind you

that you are seen in the darkness.

The night shines as bright as the day

to the One who sees you.

I am proud of you

for asking for help

and a word of encouragement.

That, too, shows faith.

I am proud of you

for opening your blinds

on a new morning

to squint your eyes

and see the sun.

I am proud of you

for being.

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